- Vi ste tukaj:
- Trgovina
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- G
- Vse skupine
- Alstromerija
- Anemone / Ranunculus
- Anthurium / Strelitzia / Curcuma
- Antirrhinus / Matthiola
- Asklepij
- Astra
- Bouvardia
- Božične rože
- Chamelaucium
- Cymbidium/ Phalaenopsis/ Vanda
- Čebulnice
- Česen
- Delphinium
- Dianthus / Dianthus Tros
- Dianthus Barbatus
- Drugo
- Eryngium
- Eustoma
- Frezija
- Gerbera / Germini
- Gladiole
- Grm / Les
- Gyps / Solidago
- Helikonija
- Hortenzija
- Hypericum
- Iris
- Krizanteme
- Lelien
- Limonij
- List Drugo
- Narcisa / Hijacinta / Muscari
- Nutan / Protea / Pelerine
- Ognjič / Marjetica / Ginster
- Ornithogalum
- Phlox
- Pionir
- Pršilo za vrtnice
- Rozen ekvador
- Syringa / Viburnum
- Šopki
- Tulipani
- Venček
- Veronika
- Vrtne vrtnice
- Vrtnice
- Vrtnice 40 cm
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- Zmaga
Gerbera / Germini
Tam je 95 artiklov z Gerbera / Germini
Gerbera / Germini
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The gerbera is exactly the flower you used to draw as a child. It is known for its striking and cheerful colours. Nowadays, gerberas are available in almost every colour. Other than that, this flower fits almost any bouquet and they also look very nice together. If you don't like fragrant flowers, the gerbera is also a good choice, as it is odourless.