- Vi ste tukaj:
- Trgovina
- Rože
- T
- Vse skupine
- Alstromerija
- Anemone / Ranunculus
- Anthurium / Strelitzia / Curcuma
- Antirrhinus / Matthiola
- Astra
- Bouvardia
- Božične rože
- Chamelaucium
- Cymbidium/ Phalaenopsis/ Vanda
- Čebulnice
- Česen
- Delphinium
- Dianthus / Dianthus Tros
- Dianthus Barbatus
- Drugo
- Eryngium
- Eustoma
- Frezija
- Gerbera / Germini
- Gladiole
- Grm / Les
- Gyps / Solidago
- Helikonija
- Hortenzija
- Hypericum
- Iris
- Krizanteme
- Lelien
- Limonij
- List Drugo
- Narcisa / Hijacinta / Muscari
- Nutan / Protea / Pelerine
- Ognjič / Marjetica / Ginster
- Ornithogalum
- Phlox
- Pionir
- Pršilo za vrtnice
- Rozen ekvador
- Suho / pripravljeno
- Syringa / Viburnum
- Šopki
- Tulipani
- Venček
- Veronika
- Vrtne rastline
- Vrtne vrtnice
- Vrtnice
- Vrtnice 40 cm
- Zantedeschia
- Zmaga
Tam je 118 artiklov z Tulipani
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Contrary to what many people think, the tulip is not primal Dutch, but primal Iranian, primal Afghan and primal Kazakhstani. Nomads took the colourful tulips to Turkey, where sultans wore them on their turbans. Tulips come in different colours and shapes. For instance, there are varieties with a single row of petals, but there are also varieties with double rows. The striking parakeet tulip has jagged petals and French tulips are special again.